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LGBTQ+ Health Resources for Practitioners: Home

Welcome to LGBTQ+ resources!

Below are some spotlighted chapter links within our general medical ebooks.

Want the whole book? Find the ebook in our MBKU Discovery search bar on the right side of this page or the library home page.

Clinical Resources

Video Resources

Open Access Research

Note that, depending on the resource, searching for LGBT will get different search results than LGBTQ, so we recommend using various search terms in different searches to make sure you are capturing all related articles.

Note that, depending on the resource, searching for LGBT will get different search results than LGBTQ, so we recommend using various search terms in different searches to make sure you are capturing all related articles. 

Search term ideas once you've chosen a database:



gender identity 

gender queer

gender reassign

gender transition


queer studies 

same sex couple

sex change

sex reassign


sex reversal

sex transition

sexual orientation

trans female

trans male

trans people

trans woman

trans man


MSM  (Men who have sex with men)

WSW  (Women who have sex with women)

Still having trouble choosing a database or combining terms and keywords for your topic? Contact your liaison librarian or or check out our recorded workshop on How to Get Better Search Results.

The June 2021 Pride Month Newsletter from the DEI Committee:

June: LGBTQ+ Pride Month

Welcome to the DEI newsletter. We hope that you find it a useful communication tool for news and resources for further learning and development. Every month we highlight different topics of importance. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue. 




  • The LGBTQ Center of Orange County and the Los Angeles LGBT Center provides support and services to support the health and wellbeing of our LGBTQ+ community. As health care providers we can support patients by educating ourselves on the specific needs and concerns of patients and by having resources handy to help them to navigate accessing health care. 

Thanks for reading!

Melissa Contreras, O.D., MPH, FAAO 

Pronouns: she | her | hers (why pronouns matter)

Assistant Professor 

Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Southern California College of Optometry
Marshall B. Ketchum University
Southern California College of Optometry


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