Resources available to help you succeed in distance learning
Grammarly offers advanced writing feedback. For instructions on how to access Grammarly for free check out Writing Resources to Succeed.
EndNote is a citation management program designed to collect, organize and store references in a personal library. For further information regarding EndNote including installation instructions visit our EndNote Guide
Zoom allows you to participate in real-time video conferencing. You can chat, go into breakout rooms, chat with others in class and share their screen. For more information regarding Zoom please visit our Zoom Guide.
Zotero is a citation management program designed to collect, organize, and store references in a personal library. For more information regarding Zotero including installation instructions visit our Zotero Guide.
Office 365 offers the following programs which can be accessed through WebMail
Note: OneDrive is Microsoft's cloud services, similar to Google Drive where users can access their files from anywhere as well as share to collaborate with other users.
Using Google's cloud based Drive storage service and cloud based suite of applications allows users to share their documents and have others collaborate on them while maintaining version control. For more information visit Google Drive.
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Mon-Fri: 7:30am-11pm
Sat & Sun: 9am-11pm
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