Click here to reserve study rooms in the library!
Please see below for rules and guidelines:
- Students may reserve study rooms for a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 2 hours at a time. Each student may make two separate reservations per day, with a one hour cooldown period between reservations.
- Study room reservations are for groups of two or more. When you make a reservation, you will be asked for your name and e-mail address, as well as the name of someone else using the room with you.
- There are seven study rooms in the library that can be reserved. The four seminar rooms across the hall from the library are not part of this reservation system.
- Study rooms can be reserved up to one week in advance. You will receive a confirmation e-mail after reserving a room which also includes a link to cancel a reservation.
- There are QR codes located outside of each study room that will link you to the reservation page for that specific study room. This link will also show if the study room is reserved in the future.
- If a study room has not been reserved, it is still available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Please continue to follow our existing study room rules, such as throwing away food trash outside of the study rooms, and not leaving your belongings in a room to "save" the room while you are elsewhere on campus.
- If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the library staff at
Click here to reserve study rooms in the library!