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Linking to MBKU Library Resources: Journal Article with DOI

This guide will demonstrate how to link to resources via the MBKU Library

Sharing Links to Articles with a DOI

What is a DOI?

DOI = Digital Object Identifier

A DOI is an ID number for a specific item, such as a journal article. The DOI, when combined with a URL, links directly to the resource. Most articles produced in the last decade will have a DOI, which is typically located on the first page of an article or on the PubMed record for the article. 

Example of a DOI: 10.1016/j.conctc.2020.100524

Locating the DOI on a PubMed Legacy record

  • Look at the bottom of the record entry, typically below the keywords

Locating the DOI on a record in the new PubMed

  • Look below the article title and authors

Note: DOIs may be found in other databases and on articles themselves. You do not have to search through PubMed, however it will be the easiest for retrieving numerous articles from a variety of publishers.

Using a DOI to Link to Articles

After you've found an article in either PubMed Legacy or the new PubMed, you can build your proxied link. Check out the section below - entitled "Ensuring Students Have Access" for details on how to ensure that students have access to a full text articles either through Open Access or MBKU Library subscriptions.

The three pieces of information you will need:

  • the DOI for the article

Combine the eproxy and the DOI URL:


Next add the specific DOI for article you would like to link to:


Ensuring Students Have Access

When choosing an article double check that MBKU has access to the article.

Look for the graphic icons on the right hand side of the webpage.

For example, look at this article "Asthma: Definitions and Pathophysiology"

If we wanted to check if MBKU has access to the article we could click on the purple Find@MBKU. This graphic will redirect us to the MBKU Library website and note whether we have access to it.

Using the example article above we'll note that MBKU Library does not have access. This could help you determine if you want to assign an article for your course.