Follow the directions below, or go directly to the Journals A-Z Tool page and skip to step #3 below.
#1. Start at the library website.
#2. Click on the “Journals A-Z” button on the left..
#3. You can now search for a journal title to see if we have full-text access in print or online versions. Type in the full Journal Title or the abbreviation of it as shown in the citation.
#4. If we have access, you will see all the options and the coverage years. If we were looking for the most recent published issue, then we would click on the second link in the example below. If there was a print option, then it would list Ketchum Print Collection and the coverage years that we have available on the shelves.
#5. Once you click on the link to an online journal, the interface will differ based on the journal, but with all of them you will then scroll to the correct year, volume, and issue that you need based off of the citation. An html or pdf format should be available to read the full-text. If not, get in touch with us so that we can troubleshoot or contact our vendor.
Another example of a journal's landing page:
MBKU Discovery Search Box
We can:
We can't:
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