LitMed provides summaries and other information about films related to health. They tag main medical topics of the films, as well. This links directly to LitMed's category of Film, TV, and Video.
Library by the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics--an independent, non-partisan, non-religious Scottish charity composed of doctors, lawyers, psychologists, ethicists and other professionals from disciplines associated with medical ethics.
Nathan Gray is a doctor specializing in Internal Medicine and Palliative Care, and an assistant professor of Medicine at Johns Hopkins. He uses comics and other artwork to promote empathy, educate others, and sometimes explore the ironies of the medical world.
"Visualizing the Virus is an international digital project that showcases and investigates the diverse ways in which SARS-Cov2 and the COVID-19 pandemic is visualized and the inequalities it makes visible."
Watch this interactive workshop to understand how graphic medicine can increase health literacy.
Henri Gervex. Autopsy at the Hotel Dieu, 1876. Oil on canvas; 53.3 x 43.2 cm. Public Domain Image.
"Using materials from the historical collection of the National Library of Medicine, Dr. Adams will explore the French phenomenologist Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s critique of René Descartes’s theory of vision."
Article from the Journal of Humanities in rehabilitation
Norman Klenicki. AUSCHWITZ ALWAYS ON MY MIND, Early 1990’s.
Oil on Paper, 17” x 14”
Eye from a Coffin. Egypt, Late Period (724 - 333 BCE). Sculpture, glass; 2 3/4 in. Gift of Mrs. William Leon Graves (45.23.55). Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). Public Domain Image.