The DataONE data life cycle
Here is one example of the data lifecycle from DataONE, with a brief description of each stage below. For more detailed information with examples, be sure to consult their website.
- Plan: description of the data that will be compiled, and how the data will be managed and made accessible throughout its lifetime
- Collect: observations are made either by hand or with sensors or other instruments and the data are placed a into digital form
- Assure: the quality of the data are assured through checks and inspections
- Describe: data are accurately and thoroughly described using the appropriate metadata standards
- Preserve: data are submitted to an appropriate long-term archive (i.e. data center)
- Discover: potentially useful data are located and obtained, along with the relevant information about the data (metadata)
- Integrate: data from disparate sources are combined to form one homogeneous set of data that can be readily analyzed
- Analyze: data are analyzed